Client: Grin Natural. | Date: December 1, 2020
创立于2015年于新西兰的Grin Natural,也是近年来在纽澳快速发展的新锐天然牙膏领导品牌,以三大纽西兰特有的纯天然活性成分出发,结合当地最顶尖的牙医专家与研究团队,专注研发一系列天然安心、 环境友善,同时有益于牙齿和口腔健康的牙膏、环保牙刷与牙线口腔产品。从第一款诉求天然全效的蜂胶护龈牙膏开始,接着在2016推出了Grin100%纯天然儿童牙膏,目前为止也是纽西兰唯一含有三大有机活性成分(有机金盏花金精华、有机芦荟、南岛有机海盐)的成人与儿童牙膏。目前,Grin Natural在纽西兰拥有超过400家零售通路,也是在纽西兰牙科诊所上架的纯天然口腔护理品牌。

The Brief

HornTech与Grin Natural的深入合作始于2019年,横跨新西兰,澳洲两国,在谷歌SEO,谷歌广告和Facebook instagram广告方面纵深合作,与Grin Natural的本地英文团队沟通非常顺畅,短期内取得了非凡的效果。谷歌SEO方面有40个关键字居首页,打通了谷歌购物广告,展示广告和youtube广告等。

Our Strategy

In the onsite phase of the project, we helped identify key target search terms, performed technical auditing of the new website and provided guidance for the migration to the new website and the blog from a subdomain to subfolder set-up. Our creative team then developed an integrated strategy with Unum’s own in-house digital team, to create useful, engaging content on the website and externally, positioning Unum as a thought leader within the field of employee benefits.

Our team worked with num to promote internal spokespeople to journalists through by-lined articles and interviews with the national press. The team also developed and outreached case studies to key target media. These campaigns were often built around popular events and awareness days, such as World Mental Health Day and Financial Capability Week, which the client supported heavily.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

Paul Tournier

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